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How Much Does an Electric Car Service Cost?

Published on
February 22, 2024

In recent years, the automotive industry has witnessed a significant shift towards sustainability and innovation, with electric vehicles (EVs) emerging as the forerunners of this transformation. As more consumers embrace the allure of green mobility, drawn by its promise of reduced carbon emissions and cutting-edge technology, the spotlight inevitably turns to the practical aspects of EV ownership. This includes a closer look at electric car service costs, a key consideration for potential owners.

Hence, this article aims to demystify the question of how much electric car service costs. By delving into the nuances of EV maintenance, we will explore the typical requirements, the factors that influence pricing, and how these compare to traditional vehicles. 

Understanding Electric Car Service Costs

Unlike their gasoline-powered predecessors, EVs offer a distinct maintenance portfolio, which is crucial for ensuring their longevity, efficiency, and reliability. This section will explore the essentials of electric car service, shedding light on what it entails and why it's beneficial.

Overview of Electric Car Maintenance

Electric vehicles, by design, eschew the complex mechanical components that define traditional cars, such as engines, fuel injection systems, and exhausts. This fundamental difference significantly alters the maintenance landscape. 

Common service items for EVs include:

  • Battery Health Check: Referred to as the heart of an EV, the battery requires regular diagnostics to ensure optimal performance and longevity.
  • Software Updates: Electric cars benefit immensely from software updates that can enhance functionality, driving dynamics, and even range, all without a wrench ever touching the vehicle.
  • Brake System: Although EVs use regenerative braking that reduces wear, traditional brake components still need occasional attention.
  • Tyre Rotation and Care: Proper tyre maintenance is critical for EVs, particularly because of their instant torque and, in many cases, heavier weight due to batteries, which can lead to faster wear.
  • Cooling System Check: Green cars still require cooling, particularly for their batteries and electrical systems, to operate efficiently and safely.

Benefits of Electric Car Maintenance

Here are some of the benefits of maintaining your EV:



Enhanced Reliability

Regular maintenance ensures all components, especially the battery and motor, function correctly. This reduces the likelihood of unexpected issues and breakdowns.

Extended Vehicle Life

Proper care can prolong the life of critical components. Paying special attention to the battery, which is a costly part of an EV, can ensure it lasts for many years.

Efficiency Optimisation

Keeping the drive system in top condition ensures the car remains energy-efficient. This optimisation can positively affect the vehicle's range and overall performance.

Understanding the unique maintenance needs of EVs is the first step in getting to know what electric car service costs. With fewer moving parts but more advanced technology, the approach to these vehicles is different but not necessarily more daunting. 

Factors Influencing Service Costs

Comprehending the total cost of EV servicing requires more than just a glance at the price list. Several underlying factors play a crucial role in shaping these expenses, from the make and model of the vehicle to the intricacies of battery upkeep. 

Make and Model of the Vehicle

Depending on the brand or model, it might be more or less expensive to have your vehicle checked. Luxury EVs, for example, often come with a premium not only in terms of the purchase price but also in servicing due to their high-end components, sophisticated technology, and, sometimes, the exclusivity of the network. On the other hand, more mainstream models might benefit from a wider availability of parts and centres, potentially reducing costs.

Battery Maintenance and Replacement

While EV batteries are designed to last many years, their long-term upkeep, including periodic health checks and potential replacement, can be costly. Additionally, factors such as extreme temperatures, frequent high-speed charging, and high mileage can accelerate cell degradation, potentially leading to earlier-than-expected maintenance or replacement needs.

Warranty Coverage

Warranty coverage is a vital factor that can mitigate service costs, especially in the initial years of EV ownership. Many manufacturers offer comprehensive warranties that cover major components, including the battery and motor, for several years. 

Regional Variations

Servicing an EV can also vary widely depending on geographic location. Labour rates, the availability of specialised technicians, and the proximity to centres all influence the final bill. For instance, in cities like London, with a high concentration of EVs and a well-developed support infrastructure, competition may help keep electric car service costs in check. In contrast, in areas where green vehicles are less common, higher prices may prevail due to limited options.

Average Electric Car Service Cost

This section offers a closer look at the average electric car service costs and reveals how EVs compare to traditional gasoline vehicles in terms of upkeep. 

Routine Maintenance Costs

  • Tyre Rotation and Inspection: Due to the instant torque characteristic of electric motors and the added weight from battery packs, tyre care is crucial for EVs. Costs for tyre rotation and inspection start at around £19. [2]
  • Brake System: Although regenerative braking reduces wear on brake pads and discs, periodic checks are still necessary. Brake system service, on average, costs anywhere between £100 to £500. [3]
  • Cooling System: Maintaining the cooling system that keeps the battery and electronics at optimal temperatures is essential. This can range from £80 to £500. [4]
  • Software Updates: Many software updates can be done remotely and at no extra cost. However, some may require a service visit, potentially incurring a fee depending on the nature of the update and warranty coverage.

Major Issues and Repair Costs

  • Cell Replacement: The most significant potential repair for an EV is the battery pack. While designed to last many years, replacement prices can be substantial. To this end, drivers can expect to pay up to £15,000 for a new battery. [5]
  • Electric Motor and Powertrain Repairs: While generally reliable, repairs to the motor or powertrain can be costly if out of warranty.

Comparisons With Gasoline Cars

  • No Oil Changes: EVs eliminate the need for oil changes, saving owners approximately £60 to £200 per service. [6]
  • Fewer Moving Parts: With fewer components susceptible to wear and tear (e.g., no timing belts, spark plugs, or fuel filters), EVs typically incur lower maintenance costs over their lifespan.

Understanding these costs helps current and prospective owners budget for the long-term care of their vehicles. While some expenses, like battery replacement, may seem daunting, the overall upkeep of EVs often proves to be cheaper than that of traditional cars, especially when considering the lifetime of the automobile.

OVO Charge Powered by Bonnet: The Gateway to Hassle-Free EV Charging

The logo of OVO Charge powered by Bonnet.

When talking about the costs associated with EVs, the focus often lies on purchase prices, battery life, and maintenance expenses, but the aspect of charging can't be overlooked. Imagine this: you're driving your EV, and the battery indicator starts to wane. You need a charge, but where? You might find yourself asking: Is the charger compatible with my car? Is it within my budget? How fast can it charge? 

Previously, answering these questions meant navigating a maze of different networks, each with its own app, pricing, and speeds. This complexity could turn what should be a simple task into a time-consuming ordeal.

But never fear because OVO Charge powered by Bonnet is here, acting as a bridge connecting you to over 17 charging networks through one convenient platform. This integration means you can wave goodbye to the hassle of multiple apps and accounts. Whether you're in the city or on a long road trip, our app locates nearby stations, informs you of their availability, and details everything you need to know.

Hence, OVO Charge powered by Bonnet is more than just an app; it's a commitment to making EVs as accessible as possible. By streamlining the process of finding and using stations, it addresses one of the most significant barriers to EV adoption. 

Plus, our clear, transparent pricing and single payment method further simplify the management of charging needs and expenses. With us, you're not just powering your car; you're transforming your life with convenience and efficiency.

So, what are you waiting for? It's time to embrace the future. Download OVO Charge today!

Final Thoughts 

Navigating the electric car service cost landscape reveals a nuanced picture of EV maintenance. While upfront prices may vary, the long-term benefits of owning a green vehicle, from reduced routine upkeep to environmental advantages, often outweigh these initial expenses. 




How much does a service cost on electric cars?

The cost of servicing an electric car can vary widely, typically ranging from £100 to £250 for routine maintenance. [7] Major repairs, such as battery replacement, can significantly increase costs, potentially reaching several thousand dollars. 

How much is maintenance on an electric car?

Maintenance on an electric car is generally lower than that of traditional gasoline vehicles. This reduction is due to fewer moving parts and the elimination of oil changes.

Do electric cars need to be serviced?

Yes, electric cars need to be serviced, though less frequently than their gasoline counterparts. For instance, regular checks are essential for the battery, tyres, and software updates to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

February 22, 2024

In recent years, the automotive industry has witnessed a significant shift towards sustainability and innovation, with electric vehicles (EVs) emerging as the forerunners of this transformation. As more consumers embrace the allure of green mobility, drawn by its promise of reduced carbon emissions and cutting-edge technology, the spotlight inevitably turns to the practical aspects of EV ownership. This includes a closer look at electric car service costs, a key consideration for potential owners.

Hence, this article aims to demystify the question of how much electric car service costs. By delving into the nuances of EV maintenance, we will explore the typical requirements, the factors that influence pricing, and how these compare to traditional vehicles. 

Understanding Electric Car Service Costs

Unlike their gasoline-powered predecessors, EVs offer a distinct maintenance portfolio, which is crucial for ensuring their longevity, efficiency, and reliability. This section will explore the essentials of electric car service, shedding light on what it entails and why it's beneficial.

Overview of Electric Car Maintenance

Electric vehicles, by design, eschew the complex mechanical components that define traditional cars, such as engines, fuel injection systems, and exhausts. This fundamental difference significantly alters the maintenance landscape. 

Common service items for EVs include:

  • Battery Health Check: Referred to as the heart of an EV, the battery requires regular diagnostics to ensure optimal performance and longevity.
  • Software Updates: Electric cars benefit immensely from software updates that can enhance functionality, driving dynamics, and even range, all without a wrench ever touching the vehicle.
  • Brake System: Although EVs use regenerative braking that reduces wear, traditional brake components still need occasional attention.
  • Tyre Rotation and Care: Proper tyre maintenance is critical for EVs, particularly because of their instant torque and, in many cases, heavier weight due to batteries, which can lead to faster wear.
  • Cooling System Check: Green cars still require cooling, particularly for their batteries and electrical systems, to operate efficiently and safely.

Benefits of Electric Car Maintenance

Here are some of the benefits of maintaining your EV:



Enhanced Reliability

Regular maintenance ensures all components, especially the battery and motor, function correctly. This reduces the likelihood of unexpected issues and breakdowns.

Extended Vehicle Life

Proper care can prolong the life of critical components. Paying special attention to the battery, which is a costly part of an EV, can ensure it lasts for many years.

Efficiency Optimisation

Keeping the drive system in top condition ensures the car remains energy-efficient. This optimisation can positively affect the vehicle's range and overall performance.

Understanding the unique maintenance needs of EVs is the first step in getting to know what electric car service costs. With fewer moving parts but more advanced technology, the approach to these vehicles is different but not necessarily more daunting. 

Factors Influencing Service Costs

Comprehending the total cost of EV servicing requires more than just a glance at the price list. Several underlying factors play a crucial role in shaping these expenses, from the make and model of the vehicle to the intricacies of battery upkeep. 

Make and Model of the Vehicle

Depending on the brand or model, it might be more or less expensive to have your vehicle checked. Luxury EVs, for example, often come with a premium not only in terms of the purchase price but also in servicing due to their high-end components, sophisticated technology, and, sometimes, the exclusivity of the network. On the other hand, more mainstream models might benefit from a wider availability of parts and centres, potentially reducing costs.

Battery Maintenance and Replacement

While EV batteries are designed to last many years, their long-term upkeep, including periodic health checks and potential replacement, can be costly. Additionally, factors such as extreme temperatures, frequent high-speed charging, and high mileage can accelerate cell degradation, potentially leading to earlier-than-expected maintenance or replacement needs.

Warranty Coverage

Warranty coverage is a vital factor that can mitigate service costs, especially in the initial years of EV ownership. Many manufacturers offer comprehensive warranties that cover major components, including the battery and motor, for several years. 

Regional Variations

Servicing an EV can also vary widely depending on geographic location. Labour rates, the availability of specialised technicians, and the proximity to centres all influence the final bill. For instance, in cities like London, with a high concentration of EVs and a well-developed support infrastructure, competition may help keep electric car service costs in check. In contrast, in areas where green vehicles are less common, higher prices may prevail due to limited options.

Average Electric Car Service Cost

This section offers a closer look at the average electric car service costs and reveals how EVs compare to traditional gasoline vehicles in terms of upkeep. 

Routine Maintenance Costs

  • Tyre Rotation and Inspection: Due to the instant torque characteristic of electric motors and the added weight from battery packs, tyre care is crucial for EVs. Costs for tyre rotation and inspection start at around £19. [2]
  • Brake System: Although regenerative braking reduces wear on brake pads and discs, periodic checks are still necessary. Brake system service, on average, costs anywhere between £100 to £500. [3]
  • Cooling System: Maintaining the cooling system that keeps the battery and electronics at optimal temperatures is essential. This can range from £80 to £500. [4]
  • Software Updates: Many software updates can be done remotely and at no extra cost. However, some may require a service visit, potentially incurring a fee depending on the nature of the update and warranty coverage.

Major Issues and Repair Costs

  • Cell Replacement: The most significant potential repair for an EV is the battery pack. While designed to last many years, replacement prices can be substantial. To this end, drivers can expect to pay up to £15,000 for a new battery. [5]
  • Electric Motor and Powertrain Repairs: While generally reliable, repairs to the motor or powertrain can be costly if out of warranty.

Comparisons With Gasoline Cars

  • No Oil Changes: EVs eliminate the need for oil changes, saving owners approximately £60 to £200 per service. [6]
  • Fewer Moving Parts: With fewer components susceptible to wear and tear (e.g., no timing belts, spark plugs, or fuel filters), EVs typically incur lower maintenance costs over their lifespan.

Understanding these costs helps current and prospective owners budget for the long-term care of their vehicles. While some expenses, like battery replacement, may seem daunting, the overall upkeep of EVs often proves to be cheaper than that of traditional cars, especially when considering the lifetime of the automobile.

OVO Charge Powered by Bonnet: The Gateway to Hassle-Free EV Charging

The logo of OVO Charge powered by Bonnet.

When talking about the costs associated with EVs, the focus often lies on purchase prices, battery life, and maintenance expenses, but the aspect of charging can't be overlooked. Imagine this: you're driving your EV, and the battery indicator starts to wane. You need a charge, but where? You might find yourself asking: Is the charger compatible with my car? Is it within my budget? How fast can it charge? 

Previously, answering these questions meant navigating a maze of different networks, each with its own app, pricing, and speeds. This complexity could turn what should be a simple task into a time-consuming ordeal.

But never fear because OVO Charge powered by Bonnet is here, acting as a bridge connecting you to over 17 charging networks through one convenient platform. This integration means you can wave goodbye to the hassle of multiple apps and accounts. Whether you're in the city or on a long road trip, our app locates nearby stations, informs you of their availability, and details everything you need to know.

Hence, OVO Charge powered by Bonnet is more than just an app; it's a commitment to making EVs as accessible as possible. By streamlining the process of finding and using stations, it addresses one of the most significant barriers to EV adoption. 

Plus, our clear, transparent pricing and single payment method further simplify the management of charging needs and expenses. With us, you're not just powering your car; you're transforming your life with convenience and efficiency.

So, what are you waiting for? It's time to embrace the future. Download OVO Charge today!

Final Thoughts 

Navigating the electric car service cost landscape reveals a nuanced picture of EV maintenance. While upfront prices may vary, the long-term benefits of owning a green vehicle, from reduced routine upkeep to environmental advantages, often outweigh these initial expenses. 



In recent years, the automotive industry has witnessed a significant shift towards sustainability and innovation, with electric vehicles (EVs) emerging as the forerunners of this transformation. As more consumers embrace the allure of green mobility, drawn by its promise of reduced carbon emissions and cutting-edge technology, the spotlight inevitably turns to the practical aspects of EV ownership. This includes a closer look at electric car service costs, a key consideration for potential owners.

Hence, this article aims to demystify the question of how much electric car service costs. By delving into the nuances of EV maintenance, we will explore the typical requirements, the factors that influence pricing, and how these compare to traditional vehicles. 

Understanding Electric Car Service Costs

Unlike their gasoline-powered predecessors, EVs offer a distinct maintenance portfolio, which is crucial for ensuring their longevity, efficiency, and reliability. This section will explore the essentials of electric car service, shedding light on what it entails and why it's beneficial.

Overview of Electric Car Maintenance

Electric vehicles, by design, eschew the complex mechanical components that define traditional cars, such as engines, fuel injection systems, and exhausts. This fundamental difference significantly alters the maintenance landscape. 

Common service items for EVs include:

  • Battery Health Check: Referred to as the heart of an EV, the battery requires regular diagnostics to ensure optimal performance and longevity.
  • Software Updates: Electric cars benefit immensely from software updates that can enhance functionality, driving dynamics, and even range, all without a wrench ever touching the vehicle.
  • Brake System: Although EVs use regenerative braking that reduces wear, traditional brake components still need occasional attention.
  • Tyre Rotation and Care: Proper tyre maintenance is critical for EVs, particularly because of their instant torque and, in many cases, heavier weight due to batteries, which can lead to faster wear.
  • Cooling System Check: Green cars still require cooling, particularly for their batteries and electrical systems, to operate efficiently and safely.

Benefits of Electric Car Maintenance

Here are some of the benefits of maintaining your EV:



Enhanced Reliability

Regular maintenance ensures all components, especially the battery and motor, function correctly. This reduces the likelihood of unexpected issues and breakdowns.

Extended Vehicle Life

Proper care can prolong the life of critical components. Paying special attention to the battery, which is a costly part of an EV, can ensure it lasts for many years.

Efficiency Optimisation

Keeping the drive system in top condition ensures the car remains energy-efficient. This optimisation can positively affect the vehicle's range and overall performance.

Understanding the unique maintenance needs of EVs is the first step in getting to know what electric car service costs. With fewer moving parts but more advanced technology, the approach to these vehicles is different but not necessarily more daunting. 

Factors Influencing Service Costs

Comprehending the total cost of EV servicing requires more than just a glance at the price list. Several underlying factors play a crucial role in shaping these expenses, from the make and model of the vehicle to the intricacies of battery upkeep. 

Make and Model of the Vehicle

Depending on the brand or model, it might be more or less expensive to have your vehicle checked. Luxury EVs, for example, often come with a premium not only in terms of the purchase price but also in servicing due to their high-end components, sophisticated technology, and, sometimes, the exclusivity of the network. On the other hand, more mainstream models might benefit from a wider availability of parts and centres, potentially reducing costs.

Battery Maintenance and Replacement

While EV batteries are designed to last many years, their long-term upkeep, including periodic health checks and potential replacement, can be costly. Additionally, factors such as extreme temperatures, frequent high-speed charging, and high mileage can accelerate cell degradation, potentially leading to earlier-than-expected maintenance or replacement needs.

Warranty Coverage

Warranty coverage is a vital factor that can mitigate service costs, especially in the initial years of EV ownership. Many manufacturers offer comprehensive warranties that cover major components, including the battery and motor, for several years. 

Regional Variations

Servicing an EV can also vary widely depending on geographic location. Labour rates, the availability of specialised technicians, and the proximity to centres all influence the final bill. For instance, in cities like London, with a high concentration of EVs and a well-developed support infrastructure, competition may help keep electric car service costs in check. In contrast, in areas where green vehicles are less common, higher prices may prevail due to limited options.

Average Electric Car Service Cost

This section offers a closer look at the average electric car service costs and reveals how EVs compare to traditional gasoline vehicles in terms of upkeep. 

Routine Maintenance Costs

  • Tyre Rotation and Inspection: Due to the instant torque characteristic of electric motors and the added weight from battery packs, tyre care is crucial for EVs. Costs for tyre rotation and inspection start at around £19. [2]
  • Brake System: Although regenerative braking reduces wear on brake pads and discs, periodic checks are still necessary. Brake system service, on average, costs anywhere between £100 to £500. [3]
  • Cooling System: Maintaining the cooling system that keeps the battery and electronics at optimal temperatures is essential. This can range from £80 to £500. [4]
  • Software Updates: Many software updates can be done remotely and at no extra cost. However, some may require a service visit, potentially incurring a fee depending on the nature of the update and warranty coverage.

Major Issues and Repair Costs

  • Cell Replacement: The most significant potential repair for an EV is the battery pack. While designed to last many years, replacement prices can be substantial. To this end, drivers can expect to pay up to £15,000 for a new battery. [5]
  • Electric Motor and Powertrain Repairs: While generally reliable, repairs to the motor or powertrain can be costly if out of warranty.

Comparisons With Gasoline Cars

  • No Oil Changes: EVs eliminate the need for oil changes, saving owners approximately £60 to £200 per service. [6]
  • Fewer Moving Parts: With fewer components susceptible to wear and tear (e.g., no timing belts, spark plugs, or fuel filters), EVs typically incur lower maintenance costs over their lifespan.

Understanding these costs helps current and prospective owners budget for the long-term care of their vehicles. While some expenses, like battery replacement, may seem daunting, the overall upkeep of EVs often proves to be cheaper than that of traditional cars, especially when considering the lifetime of the automobile.

OVO Charge Powered by Bonnet: The Gateway to Hassle-Free EV Charging

The logo of OVO Charge powered by Bonnet.

When talking about the costs associated with EVs, the focus often lies on purchase prices, battery life, and maintenance expenses, but the aspect of charging can't be overlooked. Imagine this: you're driving your EV, and the battery indicator starts to wane. You need a charge, but where? You might find yourself asking: Is the charger compatible with my car? Is it within my budget? How fast can it charge? 

Previously, answering these questions meant navigating a maze of different networks, each with its own app, pricing, and speeds. This complexity could turn what should be a simple task into a time-consuming ordeal.

But never fear because OVO Charge powered by Bonnet is here, acting as a bridge connecting you to over 17 charging networks through one convenient platform. This integration means you can wave goodbye to the hassle of multiple apps and accounts. Whether you're in the city or on a long road trip, our app locates nearby stations, informs you of their availability, and details everything you need to know.

Hence, OVO Charge powered by Bonnet is more than just an app; it's a commitment to making EVs as accessible as possible. By streamlining the process of finding and using stations, it addresses one of the most significant barriers to EV adoption. 

Plus, our clear, transparent pricing and single payment method further simplify the management of charging needs and expenses. With us, you're not just powering your car; you're transforming your life with convenience and efficiency.

So, what are you waiting for? It's time to embrace the future. Download OVO Charge today!

Final Thoughts 

Navigating the electric car service cost landscape reveals a nuanced picture of EV maintenance. While upfront prices may vary, the long-term benefits of owning a green vehicle, from reduced routine upkeep to environmental advantages, often outweigh these initial expenses. 




How much does a service cost on electric cars?

The cost of servicing an electric car can vary widely, typically ranging from £100 to £250 for routine maintenance. [7] Major repairs, such as battery replacement, can significantly increase costs, potentially reaching several thousand dollars. 

How much is maintenance on an electric car?

Maintenance on an electric car is generally lower than that of traditional gasoline vehicles. This reduction is due to fewer moving parts and the elimination of oil changes.

Do electric cars need to be serviced?

Yes, electric cars need to be serviced, though less frequently than their gasoline counterparts. For instance, regular checks are essential for the battery, tyres, and software updates to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

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