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Terms & Conditions

Last updated: August 2024
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1. Agreement
These Charge Anywhere terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the agreement between you and us in respect of your use of Charge Anywhere and the OVO Charge mobile application (the “OVO Charge App”, the “App”). 

In these Terms:
(a) “You” are the person who has downloaded the App and signed up to Charge Anywhere;
(b) “OVO”, “we”, “us” or “our” is Bonnet Limited, trading as ‘Bonnet' (company number 12281063) with its registered address at 1 Rivergate, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6ED, UK.

These Terms are specific to Charge Anywhere and your use of the OVO Charge App. They are separate to the OVO Core Terms and Conditions (“Core Terms“) and any specific terms which may apply to the tariff you are on.

The OVO Charge App is owned and provided to you by OVO. We grant you access to the App in exchange for your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms.

By downloading the OVO Charge App and registering for Charge Anywhere you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms then you shouldn’t download and use the App.

2. What is Charge Anywhere?
2.1 Charge Anywhere is a subscription service which allows users to access up to 30,000 charging points (“Charging Stations“) around the UK, France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands via the OVO Charge App and pay a reduced fee for their charging while out and about by signing up to one of our Membership Plans. You can also register without a Membership Plan and just pay after every Charging Session for the amount of electricity you use in a Charging Session (a “Pay As You Go Customer”). Pay As You Go Customers don’t benefit from a discounted charging rate. 

The OVO Charge App is a technology platform that allows users to connect with independent third-party service providers, Charge Point Operators (“CPOs”) and use their Charging Stations in selected locations. You can view a map of locations we cover in the App. OVO doesn’t provide any charging services to you directly or own any of the Charging Stations.

3. Eligibility
3.1   To sign up to Charge Anywhere and use the App, you must:
   -   be over 18;
   -   live in any of the UK, Germany, France, Belgium or the Netherlands;
   -   download the OVO Charge App;
   -   create an account and register a valid payment card which must be in your name; 
   -   select from one of our Membership Plans or register as Pay As You Go customer; and
   -   select a home country where most of your EV Charging will occur for correct billing purposes.

3.2      You don’t have to be an OVO customer to sign up for Charge Anywhere.

3.3 The creation of excessive multiple accounts (on a single Device or otherwise) and any misuse of the Services in different locations, including by attempting to leverage any pricing differences of Membership Plan in countries other than the country of registration of your Membership Plan and shall constitute a material breach of these Terms and we reserve the right to end your subscription to Charge Anywhere.

International Charging

3.4 As Charge Anywhere is available in different countries, when setting up an account with us and signing up for a Membership Plan you will be required to choose a single main country of residence from a drop down list that will come up on the App. You must choose the country where most of your EV Charging will be occurring. If your country of residence is not listed on the App, then Charge Anywhere is not available for you.

3.5 Although you are allowed to access the Services and use Charging Stations in different locations (for example, in a country which is not the one you have selected during your registration), you must ensure that at least 50% of your EV Charging takes place in that selected country where you have purchased your Membership Plan. If we suspect or identify that you are abusing your usage of the Services and carrying out 50% or more of your EV Charging in a location different than the one selected during your Membership Plan registration, we reserve the right at our sole discretion. to cancel your account or re-assign it to the correct country (being such the location where you most often carry out your EV Charging). 

4. Charging

4.1 You can Charge your EV at any of the Charging Stations shown in the App. You can start a Charging Session using the App. Sometimes this will require access to your Device’s camera to scan the respective QR code of the Charging Station.

4.2 To use a Charging Station to charge your EV, you must have a valid payment card linked to your account and have sufficient funds on your card. If you do not have sufficient funds on your card you will not be able to charge your EV.

4.3 You are responsible for ensuring that:

a) charging of your EV begins and completes correctly;

b) the Charging Station is suitable for the vehicle to be charged;

c) you are not using Charging Stations that show error messages or visible defects and/or damages; and

d) you are complying with all parking restrictions and regulations of the given charging point.

4.4 You acknowledge that we process payments through a third-party service provider and do not provide or own any EV Charging Stations or function as a Charge Point Operator. All such EV charging services are provided by independent CPOs who are not employed or otherwise engaged by OVO or any of its affiliates. 

4.5 We are not responsible for the maintenance or proper functioning of the EV Charging Stations and accept no liability in relation to your use of the EV Charging Stations. The CPOs are fully responsible for ensuring the operation and maintenance of their own EV Charging Stations.  Any problems or questions that might arise with regard to the Charging Stations, connection issues or other services that lie outside of Services provided to you under these Terms should be raised with and dealt with by the respective party offering these services (for example: the CPO).

4.6 The CPO provides access to its Charging Station through the App and, by using the Charging Station, you are automatically agreeing to the respective CPO’s terms and conditions.

4.7 The availability of Charging Stations is subject to change. You can find an updated list of Charging Stations on the App.

4.8 While every effort has been taken to ensure that all the information we provided to you via the App is correct, we do not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained within the App, nor for the consequences of any actions taken or not taken as a result of this information. CPOs are solely responsible for providing the most accurate information about their Charging Stations. We shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained within the App or the Services.

Your responsibilities when using a Charging Station

4.9 You are responsible for the correct use of the Charging Stations at which you conduct Charging Sessions. This implies that you use these Charging Stations according to their intended use as governed by the terms and conditions of the respective CPO. If you require guidance, service or support on how to use any particular EV Charging Station, you will need to contact the CPO that you are using directly. Their customer services contact details may be found on their website and are often advertised at the EV Charging Station itself.

4.10. Any gross misconduct or misuse by you leading to damage of Charging Stations will constitute a material breach of these Terms and your Membership Plan will be terminated. 

4.11 Any disputes will be handled between you and the CPO directly. However, if a claim is raised against us by a CPO because of your misuse of the Services (including, without limitation, misuse which has led to damage of a specific Charging Station or any other breach of these Terms or the CPO’s terms), we shall pass on any such liability to you and you shall be liable to the CPO directly for any damage. 

5.   Payments
5.1        The price per kWh you will pay for EV Charging (the “Rates”) carried out through Charge Anywhere will be displayed in our App. 

5.2. Rates are shown in your local currency and are priced individually for each country.

5.3 We endeavour to ensure that Rates displayed on the App reflect the CPO’s most up to date price, however, occasionally, changes and errors occur, and we do not accept any responsibility if the Rates displayed on the App are inaccurate or do not reflect most up to date price. You shall be bound by whatever actual Rate is displayed on the App at the time of your EV Charging and you will not be entitled to claim back from us any monies paid due to any variation or inaccuracy on Rates contained within the App relative to the CPO’s pricing or otherwise. 

5.4. If you are a Membership Plan Customer or a Pay as You Go Customer (for further details, please see clause 5.6 below), we will charge you after every Charging Session successfully completed through the App for the amount of electricity you have consumed in that Charging Session. All charges will be calculated with reference to our Rates displayed on the App and will be automatically deducted from the payment card registered in your account. 

5.5. All bills, invoices and prices provided to you by us are inclusive of any applicable VAT. To the extent any personal or other taxes are payable by you in respect of this Agreement in the jurisdiction where you reside or otherwise, they shall be entirely your responsibility.

5.6 Before you begin a Charging Session, we will hold a pre-authorisation fee on your payment card. The specific prepayment value varies depending on the country where your Charging Session takes place. This fee is refunded once your charge is completed and paid for. More information on pre-authorisation fees is available in the App.

5.7 It is your responsibility to ensure that the registered payment card is valid, up-to-date and has sufficient funds. In the event that debiting or charging your payment card is not possible, you may not be able to charge your EV and we may deactivate your ability to use the Services until you update your payment details and your payment transactions can be successfully completed.

5.8 We process all payments through a PCI DSS compliant third-party and do not store any payment card details from you.

6. The OVO Charge App  Registration and Account Set-up
6.1  You can download the App from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.  The ways in which you can use the App may also be controlled by the Apple App Store or Google Play store rules and policies and those rules and policies will apply instead of these Terms where there are differences between the two. 

You’ll need to register your details and create an account.  If you are an OVO customer you will need to set up a separate OVO Charge account, you won’t be able to use your OVO one. 

Operating system requirements 

6.2 This App requires a device with a minimum of at least 50Mb of memory and a minimum operating system of iOS 15 or Android 6.0.

Using the App

6.3 In return for your agreeing to comply with these Terms we licence you to:
   -   download a copy of the App onto your device including any updates or supplements to it and view, use and display the App on such devices for your personal purposes only; 
   -   access any documentation contained in the App (“Documentation“); and
   -   use any service you connect to via the App and the content we provide to you through it (“Services“) as permitted in these Terms.

6.4 You agree that you will:
   -   not rent, lease, sub-license, loan, provide, or otherwise make available, the App or the Services in any form, in whole or in part to any person without prior written consent from us;
   -   not copy the App, Documentation or Services, except as part of the normal use of the App or where it is necessary for the purpose of back-up or operational security;
   -   not translate, merge, adapt, vary, alter or modify, the whole or any part of the App, Documentation or Services nor permit the App or the Services or any part of them to be combined with, or become incorporated in, any other programs, except as necessary to use the App and the Services on devices as permitted in these terms;
   -   not disassemble, de-compile, reverse engineer or create derivative works based on the whole or any part of the App or the Services nor attempt to do any such things, except to the extent that (by virtue of sections 50B and 296A of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988) such actions cannot be prohibited because they are necessary to decompile the App to obtain the information necessary to create an independent program that can be operated with the App or with another program (Permitted Objective), and provided that the information obtained by you during such activities:
                           -   is not disclosed or communicated without the Licensor’s prior written consent to any third party to whom it is not necessary to disclose or communicate it in order to achieve the Permitted Objective; and
                  -  is not used to create any software that is substantially similar in its expression to the App;
                  -  is kept secure; and
                  -  is used only for the Permitted Objective;
   -   comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using the App.

Acceptable Use Restrictions  

6.5 You must:
   -   not use the App or any Service in any unlawful manner, for any unlawful purpose, or in any manner inconsistent with these terms, or act fraudulently or maliciously, for example, by hacking into or inserting malicious code, such as viruses, or harmful data, into the App, any Service or any operating system;
   -   not infringe our intellectual property rights or those of any third party in relation to your use of the App or any Service, including by the submission of any Content to the App (to the extent that such use is not licensed by these terms);
   -   not transmit any material that is defamatory, offensive or otherwise objectionable in relation to your use of the App or any Service;
   -   not use the App or any Service in a way that could damage, disable, overburden, impair or compromise our systems or security or interfere with other users; and
   -   not collect or harvest any information or data from any Service or our systems or attempt to decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running any Service. 

Intellectual Property

6.6 All title to, and intellectual property rights in the App  and its contents are owned by OVO or its licensees. You must not copy, modify, or attempt to reverse engineer or replicate any part of the App. 

6.7 All trade marks, brand names and logos (“Marks”) displayed on the App and are the property of OVO, the Mark holder or their respective licensees. You are not permitted to use any of the Marks without OVO’s prior written consent. 

Information Provided via the App:

6.8 OVO does not guarantee the accuracy of any data provided within the App, including data on energy consumed, carbon dioxide emissions savings, and estimated energy costs.

6.9 OVO does not guarantee or promise any specific or minimum level of cost savings will be generated from using the App.

6.10 The App is provided for the purpose of providing the Services to you. It does not offer advice on which you should rely. You must obtain professional or specialist advice before taking, or refraining from, any action on the basis of information obtained from the App. Although we make reasonable efforts to update the information provided by the App and the Services, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that such information is accurate, complete or up to date.   

Availability and functionality:

6.11 OVO does not provide any uptime or availability guarantee for the App.

6.12 From time to time we may need to temporarily suspend the App. Reasons include system maintenance, security measures and systems issues. Circumstances outside our control may also cause interruption or failure in the availability of the App. These include internet and connectivity interruptions, power outages, and issues with third party systems which interact with the App.

6.13 OVO is not obliged to respond to service requests or fix issues that may arise from time to time, including within any particular time frame.

6.14 The App may not work as intended if you do not comply with or meet the requirements set out in these Terms or otherwise communicated to you by OVO.

6.15 The App is provided “as-is”. To the maximum extent permitted by law, they are provided without any warranty, guarantee or other promise of any kind including in relation to fitness for purpose, satisfactory quality and non-infringement.User Generated Content

6.16 Users of the App may upload content and information to the App (‘Content’). This Content has not been verified or approved by us. The views expressed by users on the App do not represent our views or values. 

6.17 Content may be viewable by other users of the Application and through third-party websites or applications. As such, you should not submit any Content which:
   -   Infringes the proprietary rights, including but not limited to the copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, or moral rights of any third party;
   -   Contains any personal data such as names, address or images of others (unless you have obtained their explicit consent to use their image);
   -   is false, inaccurate, or misleading;
   -   contains advertising, promotional materials, spam, mass mailings, or other forms of solicitation;
   -   is obscene, lewd, violent, constitutes harassment or bullying, libellous, slanderous, or otherwise offensive (as determined by us at our sole discretion);
   -   violates any applicable law, regulation or rule.           

We have the right to remove any posting you make on our App if, in our reasonable opinion, your Content does not comply with the content standards set out in these Terms.

6.18 When submitting Content you warrant that:
   -   you are the creator and owner of or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents, releases, and permissions to use and to authorise us, the App, and other users of the App to use your Content in any manner contemplated by the App and these Terms.
   -   you have the written consent, release, and/or permission of each and every identifiable individual person in your Content to use the name or likeness of each and every such identifiable individual person to enable inclusion and use of your Content in any manner contemplated by the App and these Terms.

6.19 Any breach of clauses 6.17 and 6.18  will result in termination and/or suspension of your rights to use the App and the Services. You agree to indemnify us for any loss or damage suffered by us arising out of, or in connection with, your breach of clauses 6.17 and 6.18. We also have the right to disclose your identity to any third party who is claiming that any Content posted or uploaded by you to our App constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights, or of their right to privacy.

6.20 When submitting any Content to us, you provide us with unconditional, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully transferable licence to use, publish and/or transmit, and to authorise third parties to use, publish and/or transmit your Content in any format and on any platform, currently available or invented in the future.

7.  Charging Cards
Physical RFID cards (‘Charging Cards’) are available to purchase via the App. These can be used to Charge your EV at the Charging Stations and the amounts deducted from your Charge Anywhere account.Your Charging Card will normally take up to 10 days to arrive. You will need to activate your card before you can use it by inputting the card’s unique ID number into the App. In the event that your card is lost or stolen you will have to order and pay for a replacement card. We won’t be liable for any unauthorised activity on your account or any loss you suffer as a result of your card being lost or stolen.

8. Changes to the App, the Services and these Terms 
8.1. We can make changes to the Services and these Terms, including our Rates, the Charge Anywhere Light Boost or Charge Anywhere Turbo Boost (“Membership Plans”) and other prices, at our sole discretion. We will always let you know about the changes in advance if these changes will negatively affect you. 

8.2 We may also change or withdraw some, or part, of the App (or the Services)from time to time. This may be because of changing technologies, obsolescence, new or different product features, changing content providers or the need to remove, replace or modify content. If these changes are to your detriment, you may have a right to end these Terms;

8.3.    You are free to stop using Charge Anywhere if we make any changes which are detrimental to you, but if you carry on using Charge Anywhere after any change commences, you will be deemed to have accepted the change.

8.4. Notwithstanding the above, we reserve the right to change or remove any part of these Terms and the Charge Anywhere product without notice or liability arising from such action if (in our reasonable opinion) any such change is not likely to be of material detriment to you. You will be able to find our updated terms on the App or on our website.

9. Subscription Customers
9.1. As a Membership Plan Customer, you choose to pay a monthly subscription fee to Bonnet (“Monthly Charge”) which will enable you access to Bonnet’s Services at a fixed discounted Rate per kilowatt-hour (“Discounted Rate”) depending on your Membership Plan.

Bonnet may offer different Membership Plan options from time to time and your Monthly Charge and respective Discounted Rate will be determined by the Membership Plan you choose.

9.2. The Discounted Rate will be made available to you via your account as soon as we have successfully taken the Monthly Charge from your payment card. This is done on a periodic basis and this will usually be done monthly (“Payment Date”). However, we may change this period, and we would give you at least 14 days' notice of this.

9.3. You can switch between Membership Plans indefinitely and the switching can be done within our App.

9.4.  If you switch your Membership Plan to have access to a more advantageous Discounted Rate (“Upgrade Switch”), the new Membership Plan you’ve chosen to subscribe to will appear instantaneously on your App and you will be immediately charged for the difference on a pro-rata basis between your previous lower Discounted Rate and the new higher one. On the next billing date following your Upgrade Switch, you will continue to be charged for the Discounted Rate corresponding to your new Membership Plan.

9.5. If you switch your Membership Plan to a less advantageous Discounted Rate (“Downgrade Switch”), the Discounted Rate you will be charged for in the relevant month you’ve effectuated the Downgrade Switch will not change and, on the next billing date following your Downgrade Switch, the lower Discounted Rate you’ve downgraded to will apply. 

9.6. In order to use Bonnet’s Services via our Membership Plans, you must pay the Monthly Charge, whether or not any amount of electricity is consumed by you in a given month. If your Device is lost or stolen you remain responsible for all the Charges to your account that may be incurred until you successfully change your login credentials or ask us to do this for you. 

9.7. We may change the Membership Plans available (or introduce new ones) and any pricing or other terms therein from time to time at our sole discretion and we will give you at least 7 days’ notice of any update.

10. Pay As You Go Customers
10.1. As a Pay As You Go Customer, you choose not to subscribe to a particular Membership Plan and you will pay for the electricity that you use as you consume it. You will be billed at the Rate displayed on our Application and you will not benefit from any discount available to Membership Plan Customers. However, we will take no direct debit from your account (i.e., Monthly Charge) if you do not use the Services.

11. If you no longer want Charge Anywhere

11.1. To cancel your Membership Plan you will need to do so in the App. Just deleting the App won’t cancel your Membership Plan and you will continue to be charged.

11.2  If you cancel your Membership Plan, your Membership Plan will end at your next billing date and won’t be renewed. From then onwards, you will automatically become a Pay As You Go Customer as and when you use the Services. 

11.3 You will be liable for any outstanding amounts owing to us upon cancellation and you will need to settle your account. We will continue to take payment from you after your account is cancelled until any such amounts are cleared.

11.4 If you don’t want to use the App any more you should delete it. This won’t affect your energy supply but your Membership Plan will be cancelled and you will lose access to all the features of Charge Anywhere.

11.5 You can change/delete your payment cards at any time in the App but please bear in mind that if you don’t have a valid payment card associated with your account your Membership Plan will automatically terminate and  you will no longer be able to use the Services.

12. When we can terminate these Terms
12.1 If you breach these Terms we can suspend or terminate your Membership Plan and your use of the App with immediate effect. You will be liable to immediately pay any amounts owing to us. If you fail to pay any amounts owing to us when these Terms end we reserve the right to take further action against you to recover any amounts owing.

12.2 If we end your rights to use the App:
   -   You must stop all activities authorised by these terms, including your use of the App and any Services.
   -   You must delete or remove the App from all devices in your possession and immediately destroy all copies of the App which you have and confirm to us that you have done this.
   -   We may remotely access your devices and remove the App from them and cease providing you with access to the Services.

13. Promotions
13.1.  From time to time we may provide certain users with promotional offers and discounts that may result in different amounts charged for the same or similar services or goods obtained through the use of the Services, and you agree that such promotional offers and discounts, unless also made available to you, shall have no bearing on your use of the Services or the charges applied to you.

1.2 We may also, at our sole discretion, create promotional codes that may be redeemed for account credit, or other features or benefits related to the Services and/or a Third Party Provider’s services, subject to any additional terms that Bonnet establishes on a per promotional code basis (“Promo Codes”). You agree that Promo Codes:

a) must be used for the intended audience and purpose, and in a lawful manner;

b) may not be duplicated, sold or transferred in any manner, or made available to the general public (whether posted to a public forum or otherwise), unless expressly permitted by us;

c) may be disabled by us at any time for any reason without liability to Bonnet and without prior notice to you;

d) may only be used pursuant to the specific terms that we establish for such Promo Code;

e) are not valid for cash; and

f) may expire prior to your use.

13.3.          We reserve the right to withhold or deduct credits or other features or benefits obtained through the use of Promo Codes by you or any other user in the event that we determine or believes that the use or redemption of the Promo Code was in error, fraudulent, illegal, or in violation of the applicable Promo Code terms or these Terms.

14 Our liability to you
14.1. We shall not be liable for indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, including loss of profits, loss of income, non-realisation of expected savings, loss of an opportunity, damage as a result of loss or corruption of data, loss of goodwill and/or reputational damage, downtime costs and similar financial or economic losses, personal injury or property damage related to, in connection with, or otherwise resulting from any use of the Services. We shall not be liable for any damages, liability or losses arising out of:

a) your use of or reliance on the Services or your inability to access or use the Services; or

b) any transaction or relationship between you and any CPO, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

14.2 We shall not be liable for delay or failure in performance resulting from causes beyond our reasonable control. In no event shall our total liability to you in connection with the Services for all damages, losses and causes of action exceed the greater of (a) five hundred pounds sterling (£500); and (b) the aggregate fees paid by you to us within the previous 12 month period.

14.3 Our Services may be used by you to find, route to and pay for EV charging with CPOs, but you agree that we have no responsibility or liability to you related to any finding of, routing to and paying for EV charging with CPOs other than as expressly set forth in this Agreement.

14.4 If defective digital content that we have supplied damages a device or digital content belonging to you, we will either repair the damage or pay you compensation. However, we will not be liable for damage that you could have avoided by following our advice to apply an update offered to you free of charge or for damage that was caused by you failing to correctly follow installation instructions or to have in place the minimum system requirements advised by us.

We will also have no liability for, and you will not be entitled to any compensation for any loss or damage arising from any of the following, however that loss or damage is caused(including through negligence):
- any lack of availability, interruption, modification, suspension or cessation of the  App- failure or delay, incorrect functioning of or inaccurate data provided by, in the App
-           any business losses. The App is for domestic and private use. If you use the App for any commercial, business or resale purpose we will have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity
- any events outside our control. If our provision of the Services or support for the App is delayed by an event outside our control then we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know and we will take steps to minimise the effect of the delay
- your failure to comply with these Terms

We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so.
This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

15. Your liability to us
15.1. You agree to indemnify and hold us and our officers, directors, employees and agents harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, liabilities, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) arising out of or in connection with:

a) your use of the Services or services or goods obtained through your use of the Services;

b) your use of the Charging Stations;

c) your breach or violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement;

d) our use of your Content; or

e) your violation of the rights of any third party, including third-party providers.

16. How we use your Data
16.1. In order to supply you with the Services under these Terms, we will need to process your personal Information such as your name and address. Under data protection legislation, we are required to provide you with certain information including who we are, how we process your personal data and for what purposes and your rights in relation to your personal data and how to exercise them. This information is provided in our Privacy Policy and it is important that you read that information.

16.2 You can change your data sharing preferences at any time but if you do so you will no longer be able to benefit from Charge Anytime, as we will no longer have the data we need to be able to provide the service to you.
How we will communicate with you. 

16.3 If we have to contact you we will do so by email or by SMS, using the contact details you have provided to us. It is your responsibility to ensure the details we have for you are correct so you don’t miss any important information.

17. Problems with the App and Contacting us (including with complaints)
If you think the App or the Services are faulty or wish to contact us for any other reason please email our customer service team at Any problems with the charging station itself should be addressed to the charging station operator.

18. Governing Law
18.1 Each of the clauses of these Terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining clauses will remain in full force and effect. Even if we delay in enforcing these Terms against you, we can still enforce them later.

18.2 These Terms are governed by the laws of England and Wales if your property is in England or Wales, and the laws of Scotland if your property is in Scotland. If there is any dispute between us, it will be dealt with by the courts of England and Wales if your property is in England or Wales, and by the courts of Scotland if your property is in Scotland.

19. Definitions
19.1 Charging Session: A successful, intended transfer of electricity from the Charging Station to an EV.

19.2 Charging Station: A piece of hardware that allows electricity to be transferred into the battery of an EV.

19.3 EV: Electric Vehicle.

19.4 Membership Plans: our selection of membership plans as available from time to time.

19.5 Rate. The price per kWh (kilowatt-hour) you pay depends on the Membership Plan you chose to subscribe to, or as a PAYG Customer, both as set out on our App.

Last Updated: June 2024