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Next generation
EV Charging

Enjoy Premium for FREE!

Premium is in Beta which means we are still perfecting it before we release it as a paid product. Right now it is FREE for all the UK Bonnetinos to use.

Premium star
Character on a car making positive sign

Next level features

Head to a Premium feature on the app and you will be asked if you are happy to test out Premium Beta. Select YES and you’re ready to go.

Charging you love

Bugs and crashes can happen in Betas but they help us gather valuable feedback.  All non-Premium features should work as expected, so you can enjoy the easy EV charging you're used to whilst exploring additional features.

Character pointing up looking at starts

Premium route planning

Drive from A to B without the dreaded range anxiety. Monitor your state of charge throughout your journey and we’ll predict State of Charge for each stop you make.

Direct vehicle integration

Enhanced charging with smart notifications to alert you to state of charge, time remaining and charging progress to preserve battery health.

Manage your home charging with Bonnet Home

Designed to bring the benefits of Bonnet public charging straight to your driveway. Integrate your vehicle or home charger with Bonnet Home to unlock the Bonnet Home dashboard.

Smart scheduling

With Bonnet Home you can schedule your charge to match to your priorities. Choose to save money, reduce CO2 emissions or limit grid strain - or you can choose to balance them all.

All the data you need

Keep track of your energy usage and detailed charge data to know how much you're spending and how much you're saving (your wallet and the planet).

Enjoy Premium for free!

Premium is in Beta which means we are still perfecting it before we release it as a paid product. Right now it is FREE for all the UK Bonnetinos to use.

Premium star

Next level features

Head to a Premium feature on the app and you will be asked if you are happy to test out Premium Beta. Select YES and you’re ready to go.

Character on a car making positive sign

Charging you love

Bugs and crashes can happen in Betas but they help us gather valuable feedback.  All non-Premium features should work as expected, so you can enjoy the easy EV charging you're used to whilst exploring additional features.

Character pointing up looking at starts

Premium route planning

Drive from A to B without the dreaded range anxiety. Monitor your state of charge throughout your journey and we’ll predict State of Charge for each stop you make.

Direct vehicle integration

Enhanced charging with smart notifications to alert you to state of charge, time remaining and charging progress to preserve battery health.

Manage your home charging with Bonnet Home

Designed to bring the benefits of Bonnet public charging straight to your driveway. Integrate your vehicle or home charger with Bonnet Home to unlock the Bonnet Home dashboard.

Smart scheduling

Schedule your charge to match to your priorities. Choose to save money, reduce CO2 emissions or limit grid strain - or you can choose to balance them all.

All the data you need

Keep track of your energy usage and detailed charge data to know how much you're spending and how much you're saving (your wallet and the planet).

Have questions?

What is beta?

Beta testing is the process of giving a nearly finished product to you, the user, to test for functionality and appeal. It helps us to refine the product before it’s launched fully.

How long will Premium be in Beta for?

The free Beta period is open-ended. We will give users at least 2 weeks notice before it comes to an end so they can choose to continue with paid Premium or cancel it, if they wish.

Can I use Premium in my country?

The Premium Beta feature is only available for use in the United Kingdom at the moment.

Do I need to enter my payment details?

All Bonnet accounts require payment details in order to be verified. Users are never charged unless they charge their car or purchase a Refill.

Ready to boost your charging game?

Let''s do this!

Ready to boost
your charging game?

Let's do this!Let''s do this!