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Best Portable Level 2 Charger

Published on
July 23, 2024

It’s no secret that many eco-conscious individuals and entrepreneurs wish to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and thus help prevent global warming from getting out of hand. One of the best ways to achieve that is to switch from fossil fuel-powered vehicles to electric ones (EVs). 

The only downside of EVs is that once the battery runs out, you have to recharge your vehicle, which can take a while. Of course, that entirely depends on the type of charger you’re using, the model of your vehicle, and the battery itself. 

Fortunately for all EV owners, a portable Level 2 charger is available to you, which means you can have a charger on you at all times, no matter where you go. In other words, you no longer have to keep one eye on battery life or plan your itinerary so that a public charging station is nearby at all times. 

This way, you only need an outlet to plug in a Level 2 portable EV charger, and you can also use it to connect your vehicle. Depending on the charger, you’ll be able to power your EV much faster than it would normally take if you just plugged it directly into the outlet. 

That said, let’s have a look at which portable charger is best suited for your needs. 


How Does a Level 2 Portable EV Charger Work?

An image of an electric car charging in a parking lot using a portable charger.

What is an EV charger, to begin with? Simply put, it’s a device that recharges your electric vehicle. Similar to refuelling fossil fuel-powered cars, you plug your EV into a socket using a charger as opposed to using a fuel nozzle. The nozzle delivers fuel to the tank while the charger delivers energy to the battery. Same principle, different energy sources.

The way an EV charger works is that it makes any 10-amp power socket compatible with your EV. In other words, you basically use the grid to charge up your vehicle in case you’re nowhere near your home or a public charging station. 

Since the portable Level 2 charger is a plug-in unit, you can carry it with you everywhere you go. With that in mind, here are a few common things you should know about Level 2 portable EV chargers. 

The Charging Speed of a Portable EV Charger

The speed at which a Level 2 portable EV charger recharges your vehicle’s battery depends on the model and its capabilities. On average, it can take around eight hours or more to charge a vehicle using a portable charger. 

More advanced models can provide anywhere between 25 and 35 miles range per hour of charging. That said, EV charger types vary, so it’s important to pick one that will suit your needs the most. 

A Portable EV Charger Can Be Used in Any Weather Conditions

It depends on the model, but generally speaking, portable EV chargers work in the rain and snow, as well as cold, hot, and humid weather conditions. You don’t have to worry about anything going haywire. 

However, some models only work indoors while being protected from outside elements and won’t work otherwise. Of course, such models are considered undesirable since you can’t really pick the right spot for plugging your charger every time. 

Portable Chargers Cannot Replace Home Chargers

Although portable EV chargers are excellent alternatives, especially if you’re in a tight spot, they cannot replace proper charging stations or home EV chargers. They are simply much slower and less capable than stationary chargers that utilise proper wiring and other equipment. 

Yes, a portable Level 2 charger is a lifesaver if you get stuck on the road and are unable to reach home or a public charging station but they are not a replacement you can rely on at any given moment. 

The Purpose of a Level 2 Portable EV Charger

If you ever wondered what’s the real purpose of a portable EV charger, it’s definitely an emergency power supply. However, it’s also a safety net to relieve some of that range anxiety every EV owner experiences sooner or later. 

As you may already know, battery life equals a certain mileage your vehicle can travel before it needs to recharge. So, will it be enough to reach the charging station? Will you make it home in time? Those are the questions you no longer have to worry about. If you have a portable charger, you can recharge your vehicle pretty much anywhere and simply keep on driving.


The Best Portable Level 2 Charger for Your EV

An image of an electric vehicle charging plug.

Before we delve any deeper into the topic, we still have one thing to clear out. The question regarding what is a Level 2 charger remains. Simply put, it’s a more advanced model than its Level 1 counterpart, meaning it’s more effective and faster at charging your EV. 

So, for instance, what a Level 1 charger can accomplish in 20 hours, the Level 2 model can manage in 8 hours, thus making the Level 2 charger almost 3 times faster. Here’s a comparison of the specifications to help you better understand the difference: 


Level 1

Level 2

Type of Current




120 V

240 V

Average Charge Time From 0 to 80%

12–20 hours

3–8 hours

Mileage per Hour of Charging







A Level 2 charger is not only logical but also the best choice for home or portable use. However, picking the best one comes down to a variety of factors. Here are a few examples of what to look for in a Level 2 portable EV charger.

  • Compatibility with your EV
  • Charging speed
  • Charging time
  • Output power
  • Cost
  • Safety features
  • Additional features

For example, the J+Booster 2 is considered to be one of the most durable and reliable chargers among all other brands. It is waterproof and resistant to pretty much anything you or nature can throw at it. But the price tag for a basic set starts at around £750 (VAT included), which is quite a hefty sum regardless of the features. The factor that determines the best portable EV charger isn’t the brand behind it or its market share but your needs and how a specific charger model may suit those needs best. 


The Best Portable Charger for Tesla EV Models

An image of a Tesla portable wall charger.

Owning and driving a Tesla-model EV comes with its own set of benefits and downsides. But like any other EV, Tesla vehicles have the option to be charged on the go using a portable charger.

The best option is to opt for a Tesla mobile connector, which is specifically designed to support all Tesla models. The main reason is that only Tesla devices work on Tesla vehicles. You can use any J1772 or 120 V station to charge your vehicle, but you will need the mobile connector.

But it’s not all bad, especially since the Tesla mobile connector is quite efficient and not as expensive as some other brands. It’s too bad that it only works on Tesla EVs. Here are the specifications for the mobile connector.


Tesla Mobile Connector


Around £200

Installation Cost

Around £1200 for home installation


All Tesla models

Plug Type


Charge Speed

3–30 miles per hour

Cable Length




Tesla app





What Is The Average Cost of a Level 2 Portable EV Charger?

The price of a portable Level 2 charger varies by brand and functionality. In other words, the more features a specific model has, the more expensive it will be. That said, you can find portable chargers for anywhere between £200 to over £1,000 on average with VAT included in the price. Again, it all comes down to what you need. For instance, do you need a smart charger that comes with an app and Wi-Fi support? If so, then be prepared to pay extra for those features. 

Aside from features, charge speed, compatibility with different EV models, and power output also determine the overall price of the charger. That is why you must do extensive research and compare different models before you can decide which charger is the absolute best for you. 


OVO Charge Powered by Bonnet: The Best Way to Recharge Your EV Anywhere

The logo of OVO Charge powered by Bonnet.

Fighting global warming and the negative effects of climate change is no small task, to put it mildly. But as the old saying goes: “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Both the will and the way are already paved by electric vehicles. 

All that is left is for humanity to embrace the change. For those of you who have already embraced it, our app is here to ensure you can recharge your EVs anywhere and everywhere. Download OVO Charge powered by Bonnet today to point you in the direction of the nearest and most affordable charging station or suitable outlet for your portable charger. That way, you’ll never be stuck on the road again. 


Conclusion: Throw Range Anxiety Out The Window

Electric vehicles have a fairly limited range. However, reaching your destination shouldn’t be something you should worry about. That’s where a portable Level 2 charger comes into play. 

It’s effective, easy to carry and quite helpful in a pinch. Regardless of the model you’ve opted for, a Level 2 portable EV charger is a lifesaver when you’re nowhere near a charging station. Moreover, such technology places EVs on the map even more than they already are. 

It shows that electric cars can not only fight global warming but that they’re also no longer limited by battery life or proximity to public charging stations. You can go anywhere and as far as you’d like, so there’s no reason for humankind to resort to fossil fuels any longer.


What is a Level 2 portable EV charger?

As mentioned before, a Level 2 portable EV charger is a device that allows you to recharge your EV’s battery on the go. In other words, you no longer have to park at home or a charging station in order to recharge your EV. Any place with a suitable power outlet will do just fine.

Is a Level 2 charger worth it?

Yes, having one on you at all times is like having a spare tire. The only difference is that your EV’s battery life will eventually deplete, while your tires won’t necessarily puncture every time you drive somewhere. 

That said, a portable charger is not only worth it but it’s also necessary in case your EV’s battery runs out of juice before you reach home or a charging station. So, just consider whether it’s better to have a portable charger in your trunk or to have your vehicle towed, and you’ll see that a charger is well worth the investment. 

Is Level 2 a fast charger?

Yes, especially compared to Level 1. As a matter of fact, Level 2 is three times faster and can charge your vehicle from 0% to 80% in eight hours or less, depending on the model. That is still considered slow compared to Level 3 chargers, but those are unfortunately not available for home use, nor do they come in portable versions. At least not yet, anyway.

Can I leave my Level 2 charger plugged in?

Yes, the majority of portable chargers are actually a part of home charging stations. If you have such a station at home, you can use the same charger plugged into a 240 V outlet and proper wall device for maximum efficiency. 

So, technically, you can leave it plugged in, but it’s better not to do so for safety reasons. You should definitely not leave it plugged into the wall somewhere on the road and then drive away when your EV’s battery is recharged. You wouldn’t want to buy another one, would you?

July 23, 2024

It’s no secret that many eco-conscious individuals and entrepreneurs wish to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and thus help prevent global warming from getting out of hand. One of the best ways to achieve that is to switch from fossil fuel-powered vehicles to electric ones (EVs). 

The only downside of EVs is that once the battery runs out, you have to recharge your vehicle, which can take a while. Of course, that entirely depends on the type of charger you’re using, the model of your vehicle, and the battery itself. 

Fortunately for all EV owners, a portable Level 2 charger is available to you, which means you can have a charger on you at all times, no matter where you go. In other words, you no longer have to keep one eye on battery life or plan your itinerary so that a public charging station is nearby at all times. 

This way, you only need an outlet to plug in a Level 2 portable EV charger, and you can also use it to connect your vehicle. Depending on the charger, you’ll be able to power your EV much faster than it would normally take if you just plugged it directly into the outlet. 

That said, let’s have a look at which portable charger is best suited for your needs. 


How Does a Level 2 Portable EV Charger Work?

An image of an electric car charging in a parking lot using a portable charger.

What is an EV charger, to begin with? Simply put, it’s a device that recharges your electric vehicle. Similar to refuelling fossil fuel-powered cars, you plug your EV into a socket using a charger as opposed to using a fuel nozzle. The nozzle delivers fuel to the tank while the charger delivers energy to the battery. Same principle, different energy sources.

The way an EV charger works is that it makes any 10-amp power socket compatible with your EV. In other words, you basically use the grid to charge up your vehicle in case you’re nowhere near your home or a public charging station. 

Since the portable Level 2 charger is a plug-in unit, you can carry it with you everywhere you go. With that in mind, here are a few common things you should know about Level 2 portable EV chargers. 

The Charging Speed of a Portable EV Charger

The speed at which a Level 2 portable EV charger recharges your vehicle’s battery depends on the model and its capabilities. On average, it can take around eight hours or more to charge a vehicle using a portable charger. 

More advanced models can provide anywhere between 25 and 35 miles range per hour of charging. That said, EV charger types vary, so it’s important to pick one that will suit your needs the most. 

A Portable EV Charger Can Be Used in Any Weather Conditions

It depends on the model, but generally speaking, portable EV chargers work in the rain and snow, as well as cold, hot, and humid weather conditions. You don’t have to worry about anything going haywire. 

However, some models only work indoors while being protected from outside elements and won’t work otherwise. Of course, such models are considered undesirable since you can’t really pick the right spot for plugging your charger every time. 

Portable Chargers Cannot Replace Home Chargers

Although portable EV chargers are excellent alternatives, especially if you’re in a tight spot, they cannot replace proper charging stations or home EV chargers. They are simply much slower and less capable than stationary chargers that utilise proper wiring and other equipment. 

Yes, a portable Level 2 charger is a lifesaver if you get stuck on the road and are unable to reach home or a public charging station but they are not a replacement you can rely on at any given moment. 

The Purpose of a Level 2 Portable EV Charger

If you ever wondered what’s the real purpose of a portable EV charger, it’s definitely an emergency power supply. However, it’s also a safety net to relieve some of that range anxiety every EV owner experiences sooner or later. 

As you may already know, battery life equals a certain mileage your vehicle can travel before it needs to recharge. So, will it be enough to reach the charging station? Will you make it home in time? Those are the questions you no longer have to worry about. If you have a portable charger, you can recharge your vehicle pretty much anywhere and simply keep on driving.


The Best Portable Level 2 Charger for Your EV

An image of an electric vehicle charging plug.

Before we delve any deeper into the topic, we still have one thing to clear out. The question regarding what is a Level 2 charger remains. Simply put, it’s a more advanced model than its Level 1 counterpart, meaning it’s more effective and faster at charging your EV. 

So, for instance, what a Level 1 charger can accomplish in 20 hours, the Level 2 model can manage in 8 hours, thus making the Level 2 charger almost 3 times faster. Here’s a comparison of the specifications to help you better understand the difference: 


Level 1

Level 2

Type of Current




120 V

240 V

Average Charge Time From 0 to 80%

12–20 hours

3–8 hours

Mileage per Hour of Charging







A Level 2 charger is not only logical but also the best choice for home or portable use. However, picking the best one comes down to a variety of factors. Here are a few examples of what to look for in a Level 2 portable EV charger.

  • Compatibility with your EV
  • Charging speed
  • Charging time
  • Output power
  • Cost
  • Safety features
  • Additional features

For example, the J+Booster 2 is considered to be one of the most durable and reliable chargers among all other brands. It is waterproof and resistant to pretty much anything you or nature can throw at it. But the price tag for a basic set starts at around £750 (VAT included), which is quite a hefty sum regardless of the features. The factor that determines the best portable EV charger isn’t the brand behind it or its market share but your needs and how a specific charger model may suit those needs best. 


The Best Portable Charger for Tesla EV Models

An image of a Tesla portable wall charger.

Owning and driving a Tesla-model EV comes with its own set of benefits and downsides. But like any other EV, Tesla vehicles have the option to be charged on the go using a portable charger.

The best option is to opt for a Tesla mobile connector, which is specifically designed to support all Tesla models. The main reason is that only Tesla devices work on Tesla vehicles. You can use any J1772 or 120 V station to charge your vehicle, but you will need the mobile connector.

But it’s not all bad, especially since the Tesla mobile connector is quite efficient and not as expensive as some other brands. It’s too bad that it only works on Tesla EVs. Here are the specifications for the mobile connector.


Tesla Mobile Connector


Around £200

Installation Cost

Around £1200 for home installation


All Tesla models

Plug Type


Charge Speed

3–30 miles per hour

Cable Length




Tesla app





What Is The Average Cost of a Level 2 Portable EV Charger?

The price of a portable Level 2 charger varies by brand and functionality. In other words, the more features a specific model has, the more expensive it will be. That said, you can find portable chargers for anywhere between £200 to over £1,000 on average with VAT included in the price. Again, it all comes down to what you need. For instance, do you need a smart charger that comes with an app and Wi-Fi support? If so, then be prepared to pay extra for those features. 

Aside from features, charge speed, compatibility with different EV models, and power output also determine the overall price of the charger. That is why you must do extensive research and compare different models before you can decide which charger is the absolute best for you. 


OVO Charge Powered by Bonnet: The Best Way to Recharge Your EV Anywhere

The logo of OVO Charge powered by Bonnet.

Fighting global warming and the negative effects of climate change is no small task, to put it mildly. But as the old saying goes: “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Both the will and the way are already paved by electric vehicles. 

All that is left is for humanity to embrace the change. For those of you who have already embraced it, our app is here to ensure you can recharge your EVs anywhere and everywhere. Download OVO Charge powered by Bonnet today to point you in the direction of the nearest and most affordable charging station or suitable outlet for your portable charger. That way, you’ll never be stuck on the road again. 


Conclusion: Throw Range Anxiety Out The Window

Electric vehicles have a fairly limited range. However, reaching your destination shouldn’t be something you should worry about. That’s where a portable Level 2 charger comes into play. 

It’s effective, easy to carry and quite helpful in a pinch. Regardless of the model you’ve opted for, a Level 2 portable EV charger is a lifesaver when you’re nowhere near a charging station. Moreover, such technology places EVs on the map even more than they already are. 

It shows that electric cars can not only fight global warming but that they’re also no longer limited by battery life or proximity to public charging stations. You can go anywhere and as far as you’d like, so there’s no reason for humankind to resort to fossil fuels any longer.

It’s no secret that many eco-conscious individuals and entrepreneurs wish to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and thus help prevent global warming from getting out of hand. One of the best ways to achieve that is to switch from fossil fuel-powered vehicles to electric ones (EVs). 

The only downside of EVs is that once the battery runs out, you have to recharge your vehicle, which can take a while. Of course, that entirely depends on the type of charger you’re using, the model of your vehicle, and the battery itself. 

Fortunately for all EV owners, a portable Level 2 charger is available to you, which means you can have a charger on you at all times, no matter where you go. In other words, you no longer have to keep one eye on battery life or plan your itinerary so that a public charging station is nearby at all times. 

This way, you only need an outlet to plug in a Level 2 portable EV charger, and you can also use it to connect your vehicle. Depending on the charger, you’ll be able to power your EV much faster than it would normally take if you just plugged it directly into the outlet. 

That said, let’s have a look at which portable charger is best suited for your needs. 


How Does a Level 2 Portable EV Charger Work?

An image of an electric car charging in a parking lot using a portable charger.

What is an EV charger, to begin with? Simply put, it’s a device that recharges your electric vehicle. Similar to refuelling fossil fuel-powered cars, you plug your EV into a socket using a charger as opposed to using a fuel nozzle. The nozzle delivers fuel to the tank while the charger delivers energy to the battery. Same principle, different energy sources.

The way an EV charger works is that it makes any 10-amp power socket compatible with your EV. In other words, you basically use the grid to charge up your vehicle in case you’re nowhere near your home or a public charging station. 

Since the portable Level 2 charger is a plug-in unit, you can carry it with you everywhere you go. With that in mind, here are a few common things you should know about Level 2 portable EV chargers. 

The Charging Speed of a Portable EV Charger

The speed at which a Level 2 portable EV charger recharges your vehicle’s battery depends on the model and its capabilities. On average, it can take around eight hours or more to charge a vehicle using a portable charger. 

More advanced models can provide anywhere between 25 and 35 miles range per hour of charging. That said, EV charger types vary, so it’s important to pick one that will suit your needs the most. 

A Portable EV Charger Can Be Used in Any Weather Conditions

It depends on the model, but generally speaking, portable EV chargers work in the rain and snow, as well as cold, hot, and humid weather conditions. You don’t have to worry about anything going haywire. 

However, some models only work indoors while being protected from outside elements and won’t work otherwise. Of course, such models are considered undesirable since you can’t really pick the right spot for plugging your charger every time. 

Portable Chargers Cannot Replace Home Chargers

Although portable EV chargers are excellent alternatives, especially if you’re in a tight spot, they cannot replace proper charging stations or home EV chargers. They are simply much slower and less capable than stationary chargers that utilise proper wiring and other equipment. 

Yes, a portable Level 2 charger is a lifesaver if you get stuck on the road and are unable to reach home or a public charging station but they are not a replacement you can rely on at any given moment. 

The Purpose of a Level 2 Portable EV Charger

If you ever wondered what’s the real purpose of a portable EV charger, it’s definitely an emergency power supply. However, it’s also a safety net to relieve some of that range anxiety every EV owner experiences sooner or later. 

As you may already know, battery life equals a certain mileage your vehicle can travel before it needs to recharge. So, will it be enough to reach the charging station? Will you make it home in time? Those are the questions you no longer have to worry about. If you have a portable charger, you can recharge your vehicle pretty much anywhere and simply keep on driving.


The Best Portable Level 2 Charger for Your EV

An image of an electric vehicle charging plug.

Before we delve any deeper into the topic, we still have one thing to clear out. The question regarding what is a Level 2 charger remains. Simply put, it’s a more advanced model than its Level 1 counterpart, meaning it’s more effective and faster at charging your EV. 

So, for instance, what a Level 1 charger can accomplish in 20 hours, the Level 2 model can manage in 8 hours, thus making the Level 2 charger almost 3 times faster. Here’s a comparison of the specifications to help you better understand the difference: 


Level 1

Level 2

Type of Current




120 V

240 V

Average Charge Time From 0 to 80%

12–20 hours

3–8 hours

Mileage per Hour of Charging







A Level 2 charger is not only logical but also the best choice for home or portable use. However, picking the best one comes down to a variety of factors. Here are a few examples of what to look for in a Level 2 portable EV charger.

  • Compatibility with your EV
  • Charging speed
  • Charging time
  • Output power
  • Cost
  • Safety features
  • Additional features

For example, the J+Booster 2 is considered to be one of the most durable and reliable chargers among all other brands. It is waterproof and resistant to pretty much anything you or nature can throw at it. But the price tag for a basic set starts at around £750 (VAT included), which is quite a hefty sum regardless of the features. The factor that determines the best portable EV charger isn’t the brand behind it or its market share but your needs and how a specific charger model may suit those needs best. 


The Best Portable Charger for Tesla EV Models

An image of a Tesla portable wall charger.

Owning and driving a Tesla-model EV comes with its own set of benefits and downsides. But like any other EV, Tesla vehicles have the option to be charged on the go using a portable charger.

The best option is to opt for a Tesla mobile connector, which is specifically designed to support all Tesla models. The main reason is that only Tesla devices work on Tesla vehicles. You can use any J1772 or 120 V station to charge your vehicle, but you will need the mobile connector.

But it’s not all bad, especially since the Tesla mobile connector is quite efficient and not as expensive as some other brands. It’s too bad that it only works on Tesla EVs. Here are the specifications for the mobile connector.


Tesla Mobile Connector


Around £200

Installation Cost

Around £1200 for home installation


All Tesla models

Plug Type


Charge Speed

3–30 miles per hour

Cable Length




Tesla app





What Is The Average Cost of a Level 2 Portable EV Charger?

The price of a portable Level 2 charger varies by brand and functionality. In other words, the more features a specific model has, the more expensive it will be. That said, you can find portable chargers for anywhere between £200 to over £1,000 on average with VAT included in the price. Again, it all comes down to what you need. For instance, do you need a smart charger that comes with an app and Wi-Fi support? If so, then be prepared to pay extra for those features. 

Aside from features, charge speed, compatibility with different EV models, and power output also determine the overall price of the charger. That is why you must do extensive research and compare different models before you can decide which charger is the absolute best for you. 


OVO Charge Powered by Bonnet: The Best Way to Recharge Your EV Anywhere

The logo of OVO Charge powered by Bonnet.

Fighting global warming and the negative effects of climate change is no small task, to put it mildly. But as the old saying goes: “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Both the will and the way are already paved by electric vehicles. 

All that is left is for humanity to embrace the change. For those of you who have already embraced it, our app is here to ensure you can recharge your EVs anywhere and everywhere. Download OVO Charge powered by Bonnet today to point you in the direction of the nearest and most affordable charging station or suitable outlet for your portable charger. That way, you’ll never be stuck on the road again. 


Conclusion: Throw Range Anxiety Out The Window

Electric vehicles have a fairly limited range. However, reaching your destination shouldn’t be something you should worry about. That’s where a portable Level 2 charger comes into play. 

It’s effective, easy to carry and quite helpful in a pinch. Regardless of the model you’ve opted for, a Level 2 portable EV charger is a lifesaver when you’re nowhere near a charging station. Moreover, such technology places EVs on the map even more than they already are. 

It shows that electric cars can not only fight global warming but that they’re also no longer limited by battery life or proximity to public charging stations. You can go anywhere and as far as you’d like, so there’s no reason for humankind to resort to fossil fuels any longer.


What is a Level 2 portable EV charger?

As mentioned before, a Level 2 portable EV charger is a device that allows you to recharge your EV’s battery on the go. In other words, you no longer have to park at home or a charging station in order to recharge your EV. Any place with a suitable power outlet will do just fine.

Is a Level 2 charger worth it?

Yes, having one on you at all times is like having a spare tire. The only difference is that your EV’s battery life will eventually deplete, while your tires won’t necessarily puncture every time you drive somewhere. 

That said, a portable charger is not only worth it but it’s also necessary in case your EV’s battery runs out of juice before you reach home or a charging station. So, just consider whether it’s better to have a portable charger in your trunk or to have your vehicle towed, and you’ll see that a charger is well worth the investment. 

Is Level 2 a fast charger?

Yes, especially compared to Level 1. As a matter of fact, Level 2 is three times faster and can charge your vehicle from 0% to 80% in eight hours or less, depending on the model. That is still considered slow compared to Level 3 chargers, but those are unfortunately not available for home use, nor do they come in portable versions. At least not yet, anyway.

Can I leave my Level 2 charger plugged in?

Yes, the majority of portable chargers are actually a part of home charging stations. If you have such a station at home, you can use the same charger plugged into a 240 V outlet and proper wall device for maximum efficiency. 

So, technically, you can leave it plugged in, but it’s better not to do so for safety reasons. You should definitely not leave it plugged into the wall somewhere on the road and then drive away when your EV’s battery is recharged. You wouldn’t want to buy another one, would you?

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